If you’ve ever got any enquiries relating to your hosting account or if you experience a problem with your sites, you will need to contact the respective web hosting company’s tech support team. It may not matter how swiftly they’ll reply if you’ve got a generic query, but an issue such as a failed software app update, for example, may result in your site becoming broken or invisible on the World Wide Web. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to lend you a hand, the longer the site will be down. In case you offer goods or services online, any outage will destructively affect your site and you can lose existing or potential visitors. Lots of web hosting providers, predominantly resellers, answer support tickets and e-mails within twenty four hours, but in the electronic sphere that’s much too long, since clients will scarcely ever go back to a website that’s not functioning correctly over a lengthy time interval.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Hosting

Our shared hosting include a 1-hour reply time guarantee, so regardless of what inquiry or complication you may have, we’ll always be there to lend a hand. As a matter of fact, it seldom takes more than half an hour to get an issue fixed or an inquiry answered, and this is valid for both technical and sales matters. Our customer care team members will be at your service 24-7, even on weekends and legal holidays, which goes to say that you’ll obtain timely assistance at all times. We understand exactly how expensive time can be, so by the time we answer your trouble ticket or e-mail, we will have probed into the matter and, in case we haven’t solved it, we’ll supply you with more information on what you need to do on your end – when the case necessitates this. With our support service, you can be sure that there will be somebody to lend you a hand immediately, whatever the hour.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

We guarantee that if you submit a trouble ticket through your hosting Control Panel or write an email regarding your semi-dedicated server, you’ll obtain an answer within maximum one hour. You can contact us at any time with regard to general, billing or technical matters and because of the fact that we’re on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, you’ll always get support right on the spot. Depending on the specific issue or question, we’ll supply you with more info, resolve the complication if it’s been caused by something that is within our reach or advise you on what actions to take in case you have to alter a particular setting for an Internet application that we do not have access to. You can just forget about waiting for a whole day for every answer. In reality, in most cases we answer emails and tickets within twenty-twenty five minutes max.