CPU Share in VPS Servers
The CPU speeds offered by our VPS servers fluctuate vastly and you can choose the VPS with the best suited system resources for your Internet sites. When you need a VPS for a single site which does not have many visitors, for example, you can purchase a low-end plan, that'll also be cheaper when compared to the high-end plans that include large CPU quotas and that can certainly match even a dedicated server. We create only several VPS accounts on powerful hosting servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share you will get with your new package deal will be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your hosting server shall not be affected by other virtual accounts on the same physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another shall only take a couple of clicks through the billing Control Panel and the extra CPU share shall be allotted to your account right away.
CPU Share in Dedicated Servers
Our dedicated server packages have a range of hardware configurations, therefore, depending on what you need the hosting server for and on your budget, you can pick the right one for you. Besides the various RAM and disk space allocations, every single package features different CPU shares as well. The CPUs which we offer you have 2-12 cores, so you could pick the package deal which will match your requirements best. With the most powerful package, every program which you run on the web server shall run very quick regardless of the resources it needs and no matter how many people are using it simultaneously, but even the lower-end plans are adequate for most sorts of websites. The overall performance of the CPUs is examined alongside all the other hardware components, so as to make sure that the machine which we will hand over to you shall work faultlessly and at 100% capacity all of the time.