From the Hosting Control Panel, you will be able to watch over every aspect of your Internet presence. You’ll have at hand complete reports, which will supply you with real–time information about the resources your websites are using as well as the views they are getting. You will also find numerous relevant info on our servers as a whole. The info is separated into sections, so its possible to instantly find your path around.

Server Data

Have a look at information about your web server

If you wish to check what is the existing release of PHP or MySQL as well as the Operating System on the web server where your hosting account is situated, go to the Server Info part of the Hosting Control Panel. There you’ll also get details about the set–up Perl modules, the inbound and outgoing email servers, in addition to the real IP address your server.

You will find the server details board inside the Stats portion of the Starfire Solutions Consulting Hosting Control Panel.

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Access & Error Reports

Instantly track down any site functionality problems

The Access and Error Stats capture info about the web server, including details of server access and the kinds of issues detected throughout server operation. You can find both forms of information regarding the functionality of your sites from the Online Stats Manager part of the Hosting Control Panel.

The access log records all the text files, image files, movie files, etc. that others already have inquired to look at in your web site, while the error log records almost all warnings and errors that the hosting server has experienced since the log file is created.

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Web Traffic Statistics

Have a look at the traffic to your web site in more detail

From the web statistics instruments included in the Starfire Solutions Consulting Hosting Control Panel, you’re able to keep track of the customers on your site in the finest detail. You can select among two well–liked interfaces – Webalizer and Awstats, both of which supply you with detailed information about the visitors to your website in addition to the content and articles they view on a day–to–day, weekly and monthly basis.

It’s not necessary to put together absolutely anything upfront to obtain site traffic data for your websites. In the Web Traffic Stats area of the Hosting Control Panel, just simply visit the information file for any chosen site and collect the info you need for your Internet marketing strategies.

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CPU Statistics

Keep track of your sites’ server power load

The web server’s CPU is very important for the interaction and communication between your website and its site visitors. The more advanced and resource–utilizing your web sites are, the more host assets and CPU time will be demanded. From the CPU stats section, you’ll be able to track which exactly site is using the largest amount of CPU allocations.

You should undertake measures to optimize your sites if the CPU usage quota has been exceeded. You will see in–depth stats for each day and month as well as for an entire calendar year.

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